Brandt and Brezhnev: From Moscow and Crimea to Bonn
The paper analyses the role of German Chancellor Willy Brandt in the process of detente in the early 1970s, through the realisation of the ‘Eastern policy’, aimed at relaxing relations with the countries of the ‘Eastern Bloc’, primarily with the Soviet Union, the Democratic Republic of Germany, and Poland, in order to improve the international position of the Federal Republic of Germany and reduce the Cold War tensions. In addition to the analysis of political negotiations and activities, the paper also emphasises the personal relationships that Willy Brandt built with the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, that is, the importance of the mutual trust of the two politicians, which was reflected in the successful results of bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as in the overall world politics. The paper is based in part on the research conducted during the process of writing of an unpublished master’s thesis entitled ‘The Eastern Policy of German Chancellor William Brandt and Yugoslavia in the period of 1969-1974’, with sections reworked and amended with the results of recent research and published material.
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