Elementary school students’ attitudes towards comparison as a method of teaching geography
The importance of comparison in geography education is undoubtedly immense. Comparison as a process of thinking represents the oldest method for deriving geographical evidence and it is often used in teaching geography. It can be argued that this method is the most characteristic method for geography as a school subject. In addition to the development of the students’ ability to analyze, synthetize, generalize, and distinguish between the relevant and the irrelevant, this method can also contribute to the development of critical thinking, problem-solving and facilitate conclusion-reaching. With respect to the importance of comparison in geography education, the aim of the research in this paper was set: to determine the attitudes of elementary school students towards comparison as a method of teaching. The attitudes of the students towards comparison in teaching geography and the acquisition of geographical knowledge, as well as in the increase of the students’ interest, motivation and activation in the process were examined. It was also investigated whether there is a difference in students’ attitudes towards the method of comparison in relation to gender, Geography grade and the grade they attend.
The surveying method was used. The results of the research show that the students expressed mostly positive attitudes towards the use of the comparison method in teaching geography. The results
are also indicative of the importance of a geographical map in the application of the comparison method.
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