Contribution to the study of the Milanović family history
The author writes about the past of the Milanović family from Petrovac, with an emphasis on the biographies of the priest Marko Milanović—teacher, insurgent, and duke from the Serbian uprising of 1875–1878; Vid Milanović— writer, national leader, and fighter for the national rights of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Austro-Hungarian occupation; Bogdan Milanović Krajišnik; and priest Vukosav Milanović, who was included in the Names of the Saints in 2003 at the proposal of the then Bishop of Bihać–Petrovac, Hrizostom Jević, and by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The importance of the chosen individuals for the study of this family, except for the priest Marko Milanović, exceeds the local character in the history of the Serbian people and, therefore, it is important to focus on them while researching the past of the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is difficult to know the past of the nation to which we belong if we forget the family history and if we do not remember the oral traditions that are later passed on to the descendants. We should especially emphasize the loss of those historical moments that were not recorded or that were lost in oral (non)transmission and the inevitable process that occurs in that case—oblivion. The study of family history represents a significant contribution to the understanding of time, customs, habits, and micro and local history in general, which can be later used for integration in a wider structure and writing of macro history, primarily national history. It is especially important to research the past of the families that have given their contribution to local or national history, whose members held responsible positions in society or were at the head of national movements that contributed to the well-being of the entire nation. It is difficult to understand the importance of historical heritage if we have not previously understood and overcome the common understanding of today’s society—a society of forgetfulness and superficiality, in which this same superficiality has suppressed and, in some cases, completely displaced former family and folk traditions. Generations of our ancestors have grown up with these traditions, respecting the past of their ancestors and preserving it for the future of their descendants. If we look at everything previously said and accept it as the truth without the influence of various contemporary ideological understandings which take the approach of the industrial-consumer society and the acquisition of capital as the basic criterion, to the detriment of the identity of peoples, especially small peoples, then it becomes clear to us why it is necessary to focus on researching the history of families and personalities since only in this way the memory of the great sacrifice of our ancestors for our existence can be preserved.
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